Minggu, 22 Januari 2012



Mata Pelajaran    : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester    : XI/1
Jenis Teks        : Report
Pertemuan Ke        : 1- 6
Program        : IPA/IPS
Waktu            : 12  x 45 Menit

I. Standar Kompetensi
Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional  dan /atau monolog, terutama  dalam wacana berbentuk  report dengan penekanan pada makna interpersonal yang kompleks dan makna tekstual yang variatif.

II. Kompetensi Dasar
1.    Membaca
Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah-langkah retorika di dalam
teks tertulis berbentuk report yang menggunakan noun phrases / structures of modification.

2.    Menyimak
Memahami wacana yang menekankan pertukaran makna interpersonal yang kompleks dalam interaksi monolog lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk report.

3.    Berbicara
Mengungkapkan makna dengan penekanan pada makna interpersonal yang kompleks dalam wacana interaksional dan/ataua monolog lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk report.

4.    Menulis
Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dan langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk report yang menggunakan noun phrases dengan variasi structures of modification.

IV. Indikator
    Menggunakan ungkapan guessing
    Menyampaikan saran kepada seseorang
    Menemukan informasi tertentu dari teks report secara lisan
    Mendapatkan gambaran umum tentang isi teks report secara lisan
    Menulis sebuah teks report

V.    Tujuan Pembelajaran
    1.    Dengan demonstrasi siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan guessing.
    2.    Dengan role playing siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan menyampaikan saran kepada orang lain.
    3.    Dengan menyimak teks report siswa dapat menemukan informasi tertentu.
    4.    Dengan menyimak teks report siswa dapat mendapatkan gambaran umum .
    5.    Dengan kerja kelompok siswa dapat menulis satu teks report

VI.    Materi Ajar
    1.    Ungkapan guessing
    2.    Ungkapan menyampaikan dan meminta saran kepada orang lain
    3.    Teks report

VII.    Metode
    1.        Role playing
    2.        Demonstrasi
    3.        Tanya jawab
    4.        Kerja Kelompok

VIII.    Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

    1. Pertemuan 1,2
        a.    Kegiatan awal
            1.    Mengabsen siswa
            2.    Memotivasi siswa
        b.    Kegiatan Inti
            1.    Guru melatihkan pengucapan ungkapan guessing pada tugas terstruktur 1.
            2.    Siswa menebak hewan yang diucapkan guru sembari berlatih menggunakan ungkapan guessing.
            3.    Siswa secara berkelompok @ 4 orang berlatih menggunakan ungkapan guessing.
        c.    Kegiatan Akhir
            Siswa menyimpulkan ungkapan guessing.

2.    Pertemuan 3,4
a.    Kegiatan awal
    1.    Mengabsen siswa
    2.    Memotivasi siswa
b.    Kegiatan Inti
    1.    Guru membagikan LKS (Tugas terstruktur 2)
    2.    Siswa menggaris bawahi ungkapan meminta dan menyampaikan saran kepada orang lain.
    3.    Guru melatihkan pengucapan ungkapan meminta dan menyampaikan saran kepada orang lain.
    4.    Siswa melakukan role playing
c.    Kegiatan akhir
    Siswa dan guru membahas hambatan dalam pembelajaran.

3.    Pertemuan 5,6
a.    Kegiatan awal
    1.    Mengabsen siswa
    2.    Memotivasi siswa
b.    Kegiatan inti
    1.    Guru membacakan teks
    2.    Siswa menjawab pertanyaan
    3.    Secara klasikal membahas jawaban siswa
    4.    Siswa menulis teks report dalam secara berkelompok
c.    Kegiatan akhir
Guru meminta siswa membaca teks report untuk dilaporkan pada pertemuan berikutnya.

IX.    Sumber Belajar dan Media Pembelajaran
    Listening text

X.    Penilaian
    a.        Proses    lewat tugas-tugas (Terlampir)
    b.        Hasil Belajar     (Terlampir)   

            Mengetahui                        Baturaja,  Juli 2010
            Kepala Sekolah                    Guru Bidang Studi

            Muhammad Yaman, S.Pd                Jonizar, S.Pd
            NIP. 196510051989031011                NIP. 197107221994121001                               


Study these useful expressions to guess something.


Play a guessing game. Think of a certain animal and then, ask your friend(s) to guess

Example :

Student A    : It usually walks on deserts. It has a hump on its back. It is used to carry 
people or heavy loads. It has long leg and long curved neck. It is more than two meters tall. What is it?

Student B    : Could it be a donkey?
Student A    : No, I’m afraid not.
Student B    : Uhm…. It sounds like a camel.
Student a    : Exactly!

Taken from    : LOOK AHEAD 2 Page 4


Study the following dialogs. Underline the expressions of asking for and offering suggestions.

1.    Situation    : A husband and wife are talking at breakfast.
Wife        : Darling, the hair-dryer I bought yesterday isn’t working.    
                          What do you think I should do about it?
Husband    : Why don’t you try taking it back to the store?
Wife        : Well, I was thinking of that, but don’t you think you could
                          look at it first?
Husband    : O.K., but now. Maybe later.

2.    Situation    : A student is talking with her advisor.
    Student    : Mrs. Wilson, what do you think I should do about my
                                      chemistry class? Should I drop it or continue with it?
    Mrs. Wilson    : I think it would be a good idea to talk with your instructor.
                         Try taking with her about the problems, and see what she
Student    : What if she says I should continue with the class?
Mrs. Wilson    : Then follow her advice. She doesn’t want to fail you.

Study the following expressions.

TRY This * Do the following task.

1.    Take a piece of paper.
2.    Write on the paper about a problem you have now.
3.    Exchange your paper with another student next to you.
4.    Now, each student writes a suggestion/advice/recommendation of your friend’s problem on another piece of paper.
5.    Use the expressions of offering suggestion/advice/recommendation you have learned.
6.    Return the paper to your partner.
7.    In pairs, make a short dialog. Your partner will answer based on the suggestion/advice/recommendation written on your paper.

HINT ** Use the model dialog:

Sandra     : Eve, Can I talk to you? I really need some advice about a problem I have.
Eve        : Go ahead. Tell me your problem.
Sandra        : My friend is always asking me to copy my homework. I want to tell
          her to do her own assignments but …. I’m afraid  she will be angry
                            with me.   
Eve        : I think you shouldn’t always lend your homework all the time. You can
          help her to do the assignments until she can do them independently.       



I.    Complete this dialogue with suitable words and guessing expressions.

    Teacher    : We usually wear it at a party. Inside it is usually a shirt with long  
    Student    : ….
    Teacher    : No, you are close.
    Student    : Uhm… Is it a suit?
    Teacher    : Yes, you are right.

II.    Write a short dialog with the situation provided.

You and your friend are talking about a problem. Your friend has a difficulty reading the words written on the board. He is asking for a suggestion from you. You are giving a suggestion for him or her.

III.    Listen and answer these questions.
    “How does a spider spin its web?” (Materi Pelatihan Terintegrasi, 2005)
1.    What animals are arthropods?
2.    How many legs does a spider have?
3.    How long can a web made by a spider?
4.    What does the text tell you about?

No.    Kunci Jawaban    Skor    Ket
I    Could be a t-shirt? ,    5   
II    Should I try to talk to the teacher, Why don’t you try talking to him soon?    10   
IV    1. Lobsters, crabs, and spiders
2. eight
3. 3 meters
4. a spider’s web    20   


Mata Pelajaran    : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester    : XI/1
Jenis Teks        : Report
Pertemuan Ke        : 13-20
Program        : IPA/IPS
Waktu            : 8  x 45 Menit

I. Standar Kompetensi
Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional  dan /atau monolog, terutama  dalam wacana berbentuk  report dengan penekanan pada makna interpersonal yang kompleks dan makna tekstual yang variatif.

II. Kompetensi Dasar
1.    Membaca
Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah-langkah retorika di dalam
teks tertulis berbentuk report yang menggunakan noun phrases / structures of modification.

2.    Menyimak
Memahami wacana yang menekankan pertukaran makna interpersonal yang kompleks dalam interaksi monolog lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk report.

3.    Berbicara
Mengungkapkan makna dengan penekanan pada makna interpersonal yang kompleks dalam wacana interaksional dan/ataua monolog lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk report.

4.    Menulis
Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dan langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk report yang menggunakan noun phrases dengan variasi structures of modification.

III. Indikator
Menemukan informasi tertentu dari teks report
Menentukan tujuan teks report
Menulis 1 teks report
Menggunakan ungkapan satisfaction dan dissatisfaction

IV.    Tujuan Pembelajaran
    1.    Dengan diskusi kelompok siswa dapat menemukan informasi tertentu dari teks.
    2.    Dengan diskusi kelompok siswa dapat menentukan tujuan dari teks.
    3.    Dengan diskusi kelompok siswa dapat menemukan makna kata sesuai konteks.
    4.    Dengan brainstorming siswa dapat menulis 1 teks report.
    5.    Dengan role playing siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan satisfaction dan dissatisfaction

V.    Materi Ajar
1.    Teks report
2.    Ungkapan satisfaction dan dissatisfaction   

VI.    Metode
    1.        Role playing
    2.        Diskusi kelompok
    3.        Brainstorming

VII.    Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

    1. Pertemuan 1
        a.    Kegiatan awal
            1.    Mengabsen siswa
            2.    Memotivasi siswa
        b.    Kegiatan Inti
            1.    Guru membagi kelas dalam kelompok-kelompok @ 4 orang
            2.    Siswa membaca teks report pada LKS dalam kelompok.
            3.    Siswa secara berkelompok @ 4 orang berlatih menjawab pertanyaan pada teks report.
        c.    Kegiatan Akhir
            Siswa menyimpulkan ungkapan guessing.
2.    Pertemuan 2,3
a.    Kegiatan awal
    1.    Mengabsen siswa
    2.    Memotivasi siswa
b.    Kegiatan Inti
    1.    Guru membagikan LKS (Tugas terstruktur 2)
    2.    Siswa menulis teks report
c.    Kegiatan akhir
    Siswa dan guru membahas hambatan dalam pembelajaran.

3.    Pertemuan 4
a.    Kegiatan awal
    1.    Mengabsen siswa
    2.    Memotivasi siswa
b.    Kegiatan inti
        1.    Guru meminta siswa mengucapkan ungkapan satisfaction dan    
    2.    Siswa bermain peran

c.    Kegiatan akhir
Guru meminta siswa membaca teks report untuk dilaporkan pada pertemuan berikutnya.

VIII.    Sumber Belajar dan Media Pembelajaran
    Teks report

IX.    Penilaian
    a.        Proses    lewat tugas-tugas (Terlampir)
    b.        Hasil Belajar     (Terlampir)   

            Mengetahui                        Baturaja,  Juli 2010
            Kepala Sekolah                    Guru Bidang Studi

            Muhammad Yaman, S.Pd                Jonizar, S.Pd
            NIP. 196510051989031011                NIP. 197107221994121001                                                       




Read the following text.

Answer these questions.

1.    What is tornado?
2.    Does tornado have other name? What is it?
3.    How fast tornado reach?
4.    Do any scientists know when tornado will happen?
5.    A tornado is powerful, … What is the synonym of “powerful”?
6.    Weather scientists are unable to know exactly when tornados will occur. What is the synonym of “occur”?


Work in group of four. Make a report based on the information in the following chart.



Pronounce the following expressions correctly. Repeat after your teacher.
•    I am very satisfied.
•    Thank you
•    I’m so happy about this.
•    I’m very dissatisfied.
•    It’s difficult to appreciate this.
•    I’m not too glad with this.

Write sentences using all of the expressions in TASK 3 above.

Read the following dialog and act it out.

Rio is a tailor. He is fitting his new shirt that he ordered from the tailor.

Tailor    :  Well, how is it?
Rio    :  It looks great on me. I feel different while wearing it. You did your job  well.
Tailor    :  Thank you.
Rio    :  But … wait a minute … I think this shirt will be better without the pocket.
Tailor    :  So, what should I do?
Rio    :  Just remove the pocket.
Tailor    :  All right, then. Please have a seat while I’m doing my job. It will take a few
Rio    :  O.K.


A.    Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.

1.    What are deserts?
2.    Any plants or animals live there?
3.    How much rain falls in the deserts?
4.    What does the word “they” refer to?
5.    Is the temperature in the deserts different during the day  and at night?
6.    What is the purpose of this text?
7.    In addition, they are inhibited by plants and …. What is the meaning of the underlined word?

B.    Write a 150 word report telling about your pet looks like.    Tell about its
    reproduction, habitat and character

C.    Complete the following dialogues with the expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
1.    Heru    : How was your holiday in Bali?
    Rado    : …. I stayed in a good hotel with good service.
    Heru    : How did you the meal?
    Rado    : …. They were all tasty.

2.    Fadil    : Did the waiter serve your family well last night?
    Andre    : No, he didn’t. … with their service.
              Besides,  the restaurant wasn’t clean and tidy. We ….It is so
              contrary to the restaurant advertisement.

No.    Kunci Jawaban    Skor    Ket
A    1. Very dry regions where only few plants and animals
    can live 
2. Only few
3. Very little
4. Deserts
5. Yes, it is.
6. To tell the characters of deserts
7.  is lived    2
B    1. a. I was satisfied
    b. It was so delicious
2. a. We weren’t satisfied
    b. We were unsatisfied
C    1. No mistake and in the form of report



Mata Pelajaran    : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester    : XI/1
Pertemuan Ke        : 21-32
Jenis Teks        : Analytical exposition
Program        : IPA/IPS
Waktu            : 12 x 45 Menit

I. Standar Kompetensi

Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional  dan /atau monolog, terutama  dalam wacana berbentuk  analytical exposition dengan penekanan pada makna interpersonal yang kompleks dan makna tekstual yang variatif.

II. Kompetensi Dasar
1.    Membaca
Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah-langkah retorika didalam teks tertulis berbentuk analytical exposition yang menggunakan noun phrases/structures of modification.
2.    Menyimak
Memahami wacana yang menekankan pertukaran makna interpersonal yang kompleks dalam interaksi monolog lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk analytical exposition.   
3.    Berbicara
Mengungkapkan makna dengan penekanan pada makna interpersonal yang kompleks dalam wacana interaksional dan/ataua monolg lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk analytical exposition    
4.    Menulis
Mengungkapakan makna dan langkah-langkah penegembangan retorika yang benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk analytical exposition yang menggunakan noun phrases dengan variasi structures of modification.   

III. Indikator
1.    Menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersurat dari teks analytical exposition
2.    Menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersirat dari teks analytical exposition
3.    Menulis teks analytical exposition
4.    Menggunakan conditional sentences tipe 1, 2
5.    Mengungkapkan pendapat terhadap satu teks analytical exposition

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1.    Dengan diskusi kelompok siswa dapat menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersurat dari teks analytical exposition.   
2.    Dengan diskusi kelompok siswa dapat menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersirat dari teks analytical exposition.   
3.    Dengan brainstorming siswa dapat menulis satu teks analytical exposition.
4.    Dengan tanya jawab siswa dapat menggunakan conditional exposition tipe 1,2
5.    Dengan presentasi kelompok siswa dapat menyampaikan pendapatnya tentang isi teks analytical exposition.

V.    Materi Ajar

1.    Teks analytical exposition
2.    Conditional sentences tipe 1,2

VI. Metode

1.    Diskusi kelompok
2.    Brainstorming
3.    Tanya jawab
4.    Presentasi kelompok    

VII. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
1. Pertemuan 1
        a.    Kegiatan Awal
            1.    Mengabsen siswa
            2.    Memotivasi siswa
        b.    Kegiatan Inti
            1.    Guru membagi kelas dalam kelompok-kelompok @ 4 orang
            2.    Siswa membaca teks dalam kelompok.
            3.    Siswa secara berkelompok @ 4 orang berlatih menjawab pertanyaan pada teks analytical exposition.
        c.    Kegiatan Akhir
            Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran.

2.    Pertemuan 2,3
    a.    Kegiatan awal
        1.    Mengabsen siswa
        2.    Memotivasi siswa
    b.    Kegiatan Inti
        1.    Guru membagi kelas dalam kelompok-kelompok @ 4 orang
        2.    Siswa melakukan brainstorming untuk membuat kerangka tulisan
        3.    Siswa menulis teks analytical exposition dalam kelompok
        4.    Siswa secara individual menulis teks analytical exposition
    c.    Kegiatan Akhir
        Guru memberi tugas pada siswa

3.    Pertemuan 4
    a.    Kegiatan awal
        1.    Mengabsen siswa
        2.    Memotivasi siswa
    b.    Kegiatan Inti
        1.    Dalam kelompok kecil @ 2 orang siswa mempresentasikan ide tentang isi teks analytical exposition
        2.    Anggota kelas menyampaikan pertanyaan atau bantahan terhadap presentasi kelompok penyaji
    c.    Kegiatan Akhir
        Siswa diberi tugas mempelajari kembali conditional sentences tipe 1,2

VIII. Sumber Belajar dan Media Pembelajaran
    Buku teks

IX. Penilaian
    Proses selama KBM (terlampir)
    Tes Hasil Belajar (terlampir)

Mengetahui                    Baturaja, Juli 2010
Kepala Sekolah                Guru Mata Pelajaran

            Muhammad Yaman, S.Pd                Jonizar, S.Pd
            NIP. 196510051989031011                NIP. 197107221994121001                                                   


Read this text carefully.





(Taken from Progress 2, Ganeca Exact)
Answer these questions.
1.    How can a person be said to be economically free?
2.    What could happen if there were no laws in economy?
3.    What is the concern of economic laws?
4.    What does the word “their” in paragraph 1 refer to?
5.    What does the word “they” in paragraph 2 refer to?
6.    Why is the law relating to economic conditions related to employers and employees?


Read the following text.

Comprehend the text above and state if you agree or disagree with the writer’s opinion.


Conditional Sentences
Study the pattern of conditional type 1 below.

Study the pattern of conditional type 2 below.
Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses.

1.    If I have enough apples, I (bake) _______________ an apple pie this afternoon.
2.    If I had enough apples, I (bake) _______________ an apple pie this afternoon.
3.    I will fix your bicycle if I (have) _______________ a screwdriver of the proper size.
4.    I would fix your bicycle if I (have) _______________ a screwdriver of the proper size.
5.    I (make) _______________ a tomato salad for the picnic tomorrow if the tomatoes in my garden are ripe.
6.    I(make) _______________ a tomato salad for the picnic tomorrow if the tomatoes in my garden were ripe.
7.    Jack would shave today if I (have) _______________ a sharp razor.
8.    Jack will shave today if he (have) _______________ a sharp razor.
9.    Sally always answers the phone if she (be) _______________ in her office.
10.    Sally would answer the phone if she (be) _______________ in her office right now.
11.    I (not be) _______________ a student in this class if English (be) _______________ my native language.

Complete the following sentences.

1.    If I wrote something on the board, she ______________________________.
2.    If I were the teacher of that active student, I _________________________.
3.    She would run around the classroom if I ____________________________.
4.    He would kick you if _____________________________________________.
5.    I always give a reward if __________________________________________.
6.    The head of the school will punish me if ____________________________.
7.    The children are amazing if _______________________________________.

Correct the following sentences.
1.    If the children be healthy, they will learn to walk at about eighteen months old.
2.    If the trajectory of a satellite will be slightly off at the launch, it will get worse as the flight progress.
3.    If light strikes a rough surface, it is diffused.
4.    If they have a good sale, I would have stopped by on my way home.
5.    We will wait if you wanted to go.
6.    If Jim’s family meet Karen, I am sure that they would like her.
7.    If you made your bed in the morning, your room looks better when you got back in the afternoon.
8.    If you didn’t drink so much coffee, you wouldn’t have been so nervous.
9.    If you wouldn’t go to bed early, you would be so sleepy in the morning.
10.    If I was her mother, I will let her go. 


Read the following text. Pay attention to the structure. Then, answer the questions.

Answer the questions.

1.    What will happen to your heart if you are too fat?
2.    Is there any effect on your blood if you are too fat? What is it?
3.    What is the conclusion of all facts stated in the text above?
4.    What is the purpose of the writer in this article?

Study sentence connectors to link arguments  and phrases for making conclusion below.
Sentence connectors to link arguments:
•    One important effect
•    In addition
•    Furthermore
•    Firstly
•    Secondly
•    Thirdly
•    Finally

Phrases for making conclusion:

•    One thing is clear, ….
•    From the facts above, I personally believe ….
•    From the reasons listed above, I conclude that ….
•    Therefore ….
•    My conclusion is that ….
•    It can be concluded that ….

Write an analytical exposition by choosing one of these topics.
1.    Basketball is a popular game.
2.    Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby.
3.    Bungee jumping can be extremely dangerous.
4.    Soccer is a great game.
5.    Camping is a good activity in school holidays.

Subject        : English
Grade/Semester    : 11th/1
Time            : 40 minutes

A.    Read the text answer the questions.(Score 30)

1.    How is being a teenager, according to the writer?
2.    How do teenagers usually feel about being a teenager?
3.    What kinds of thoughts usually creep into a teenager’s mind?
4.    What is the meaning of the words “ …those who don’t fit in it” in the text above mean?
5.    Do you agree with the writer’s opinion of being a teenager? Why?

B.    Write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (Score 20)
1.    If I (be) _____ a billionaire, I would help homeless persons to have healthy houses freely.
2.    If my sister studies hard, she (pass) _____ her entrance test of UI this year.
3.    You won’t be pleased with the service if you (have) _____ dinner here.
4.    My brother (not follow) _____ the football game if my mother didn’t allow him.


Subject        : English
Grade/Semester    : 11th/1
Time            : 90 minutes

Study the text below and express your point of view about its content in 5 minutes.

            Subject            : English
            Grade/Semester    : 11th/1
            Time            : 75 minutes

A.    Study sentence connectors to link arguments  and phrases for making conclusion below.
Sentence connectors to link arguments:
•    One important effect
•    In addition
•    Furthermore
•    Firstly
•    Secondly
•    Thirdly
•    Finally

Phrases for making conclusion:

•    One thing is clear, ….
•    From the facts above, I personally believe ….
•    From the reasons listed above, I conclude that ….
•    Therefore ….
•    My conclusion is that ….
•    It can be concluded that ….

B    Write an analytical exposition by choosing one of these topics.
1.    Cooking is a good hobby.
2.    Gardening helps us get green and healthy environment.
3.    Corruption makes a country bankrupt.
4.    The master gives bad effects to its audiences.



Mata Pelajaran    : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester    : XI/1
Pertemuan Ke        : 33 - 44
Jenis Teks        : Narrative
Program        : IPA/IPS
Waktu            : 16 x 45 Menit

I.    Standar Kompetensi

Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan/atau monolog, terutama dalam wacana berbentuk narrative dengan penekanan pada makna interpersonal yang kompleks dan makna tekstual yang variatif.

II. Kompetensi Dasar
1.    Membaca
Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah-langkah retorika didalam teks tertulis berbentuk narrative yang menggunakan noun phrases/structures of modification.

2.    Menyimak
Memahami wacana yang menekankan pertukaran makna interpersonal yang kompleks dalam interaksi monolog lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk narrative.   

3.    Berbicara
Mengungkapkan makna dengan penekanan pada makna interpersonal yang kompleks dalam wacana interaksional dan/ataua monolg lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk narrative.    
4.    Menulis
Mengungkapakan makna dan langkah-langkah penegembangan retorika yang benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk narrative yang menggunakan noun phrases dengan variasi structures of modification.   

III. Indikator
1.    Menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersurat dari teks narrative
2.    Menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersirat dari teks narrative
3.    Menulis teks narrative
4.    Melakukan drama dari 1 teks narrative
5.    Menggunakan ungkapkan relief, pain, pleasure, displeasure

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1.    Dengan diskusi kelompok siswa dapat menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersurat dari teks narrative.   
2.    Dengan diskusi kelompok siswa dapat menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersirat dari teks narrative.   
3.    Dengan brainstorming siswa dapat menulis satu teks narrative.
4.    Dengan tanya jawab siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan relief, pain, pleasure, displeasure
5.    Dengan unjuk kerja dalam kelompok siswa dapat melakukan drama dari 1 teks narrative.

V.    Materi Ajar

1.    Teks narrative
2.    Ungkapan relief, pain, pleasure, displeasure

VI. Metode

1.    Diskusi kelompok
2.    Brainstorming
3.    Tanya jawab
4.    Unjuk kerja    

VII. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
1. Pertemuan 1
        a.    Kegiatan Awal
            1.    Mengabsen siswa
            2.    Memotivasi siswa
        b.    Kegiatan Inti
            1.    Guru membagi kelas dalam kelompok-kelompok @ 4 orang
            2.    Siswa membaca teks dalam kelompok.
            3.    Siswa secara berkelompok @ 4 orang berlatih menjawab pertanyaan pada teks narrative.
        c.    Kegiatan Akhir
            Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran.

2.    Pertemuan 2,3
    a.    Kegiatan awal
        1.    Mengabsen siswa
        2.    Memotivasi siswa
    b.    Kegiatan Inti
        1.    Guru membagi kelas dalam kelompok-kelompok @ 4 orang
        2.    Siswa melakukan brainstorming untuk membuat kerangka tulisan
        3.    Siswa menulis teks narrative dalam kelompok
        4.    Siswa secara individual menulis teks narrative
    c.    Kegiatan Akhir
        Guru memberi tugas pada siswa

3.    Pertemuan 4,5,6
    a.    Kegiatan awal
        1.    Mengabsen siswa
        2.    Memotivasi siswa
    b.    Kegiatan Inti
        1.    Dalam kelompok  @ 8 orang,  siswa menyusun scenario drama
        2.    Penyajian drama
    c.    Kegiatan Akhir
        Siswa diberi tugas mempelajari kembali ungkapan pain, relief, pleasure,
4.    Pertemuan 7,8
    a.    Kegiatan awal
        1.    Mengabsen siswa
        2.    Memotivasi siswa
    b.    Kegiatan inti
        1.    Siswa berlatih mengucapkan ungkapan pain, pleasure, relief, displeasure
        2.    Siswa bertanya jawab menggunakan ungkapan pain, pleasure, relief, displeasure

VIII. Sumber Belajar dan Media Pembelajaran
    Buku teks

IX. Penilaian
    Proses selama KBM (terlampir)
    Tes Hasil Belajar (terlampir)

Mengetahui                    Baturaja, Juli 2010
Kepala Sekolah                Guru Mata Pelajaran

            Muhammad Yaman, S.Pd                Jonizar, S.Pd
    NIP. 196510051989031011                NIP. 197107221994121001

Read the text well.


Choose the correct answer.

1.    What is the moral lesson from the text?
    a.    Don’t look at someone because of his clothes.
    b.    It is the best to prepare for the days of necessity.
    c.    Common people may prove great ones.
    d.    United we stand, divided we fall.
    e.    Honesty begins at home.

2.    Paragraph three mainly tells that ….
    a.    the little mouse asked for forgiveness
    b.    the hunters carried the lion alive to the king
    c.    the lion was tied to a tree by the hunters
    d.    the little mouse could prove that he could help the lion
    e.    from the first, the lion believed in what the little mouse said

3.    What did the little mouse do to prove his words?
    a.    He would never forget the lion.
    b.    He tried hard to help the lion free.
    c.    He ran up and down upon the lion.
    d.    He asked for apology to the king of the beast.
    e.    He tied the lion to the tree so that the hunters could carry him.

Read the text carefully.


Choose the correct answer.

4.    People must bring fruits, vegetables, rice and meat to Mount Bromo     because ….
    a.    the couple didn’t have children
    b.    as a sacrifice to the fire god
    c.    Joko Seger wanted to marry Roro Anteng
    d.    they didn’t want the Mount Bromo to erupt again
    e.    to attract the tourist coming to this beautiful mountain

5.    Why did Joko Seger and Roro Anteng climb the top of the mountain?
    Because ….
a.    they promised to give Betoro Bromo many children
b.    they hoped the gods would listen to them
c.    they sacrificed  their youngest child
d.    they wanted to ask for children
e.    the gods would listen to their prayer

6.    The main idea of the second paragraph is ….
    a.    how to reach Mount Bromo
    b.    the beginning story of Mount Bromo
c.    the annual ceremony of Kesodo
d.    the time for the fire god to ask for the couple’s promise
e.    the reason of the couple climbing the Mount Bromo

7.    “… rice and meat to be offered to the Gods” (the last paragraph).
    The similar meaning of the underlined word is ….
a.    sacrificed
b.    ordered
c.    arranged
d.    sold
e.    hid


Choose one of the narrative texts below.

The Princess and the Sea Worms

Once upon a time there was a king who ruled in Eberu, Lombok, had a beautiful daughter called Puteri Mandalika. Because of her beauty, princes and kings from other kingdom around Eberu wished that she would be their wives. Six of them came to Eberu and ask for her hand of marriage. They were Prince Bumbang, Prince Aryo Johor, Prince Singa Trasak, Prince Daria loka, Prince Gunung Piring and Prince Bungsu. Each prince wanted to win the heart of Puteri Mandalika.

Her father, the king of Eberu, was very confused and did not know what
 to do. If he chose one prince instead of another then it would create jealousy and there could be war against his kingdom. All the princes were handsome and powerful and so the king allowed his daughter to make her own choice. But Puteri Mandalika was confused too and she also knew the dangerous risk that her kingdom and people would get, if she chose either one of the princes.

    After several days of serious thinking, Puteri Mandalika met her parents and asked her permission to announce her decision in front of all the princes and the people of Eberu the next day in the beach. Early next morning, everybody gathered on the beach. There was a gentle breeze with small waves breaking softly across the shore. Everybody was looking at Puteri Mandalika.

    Meanwhile, the six princes prayed in their heart that he would be the chosen one. Then, in a loud and clear voice, Puteri Mandalika said,”Oh my beloved mother and father, all the princes and especially the people of Eberu Kingdom. Today I would like to announce that I will not give myself to anyone of the princes, but rather to all of people    of Eberu and my own kingdom.”Then Puteri Mandalika threw herself into the sea from the top of Seger Hill and disappeared. Everybody desperately search for her but she could not be found
and the people believed she was transformed into flowing sea worms called”Nyale”. Since then every year at the same month, the sea worms will come out and the people of Lombok will gather to catch them to eat or sell them. Nowadays, the time which the sea worm appears are also commemorated with a festival called the Nyale Festival.

        Taken from Progress Grade x

King Grisly-beard

Once upon a time there was a great king of a land far way in the East. He had a very beautiful daughter who was so proud, naughty, and conceited. She liked to make fun of any prince who asked her to be his wife.
    One day the old king held a great feast and invited all his daughter’s suitors. They all sat in a row, according to their rank-kings and princess and dukes and earls and counts and barons and knights. When the princess came in, she said something spiteful to each one as she passed by them. To a king who was there she said, “ look at him. His beard is like an old mop. He shall be called grisly-beard.”
    The old king was very angry to his daughter, for she behaved very badly towards his guests. He vowed that, willing or unwilling, she would marry the first man that came to his door.
    Two days later, a traveling fiddler came by the castle. He began to play under the window and begged for money. The king asked him to come in and sing. After singing, the fiddler begged for a gift. The king said, You have sung so well that I will give you my daughter to take as your wife.” The princess refused but the old king said, ”I have sworn to give you to the first man who came to the door, and I will keep my word.”
    Thus, the fiddler left the castle, and took the princess with him as his wife. They lived poorly in a small cottage. The fiddler pushed his wife to do household work but she knew nothing about it. Then, he set her up in trade in pots and pans. Again, it was all in vain. Finally the fiddler found a job as a kitchen maid for his wife in a king’s palace. She helped the cook to do all the dirtiest work. She was allowed to carry home some of the meat that was left over, they lived on that.
    One day, as she was leaving the court for home, the king’s son in his golden clothes came in. Seeing such a beautiful woman at the door, he took her by the hand and said that she should be his partner at the dance. She was surprised and trembled with fear because she saw that it was King Grisly-beard, who was making fun of her. She tried to run away but King Grisly-beard overtook her, brought her back and said, “Fear me not! I am the fiddler who has lived with you in the hut. I brought you there because I truly loved you. I have done all this folly of your ill treatment of me. Now, it’s all over! You have learnt wisdom, and it’s time to hold our marriage feast.”
    Thus a grand feast was held, attended by her father and his whole court. Joy was in every face and every heart.

Source : www.eastoftheweb.com

Batu Badaun
Once, there lived a widow of a rich man in  a village on Tanombar Island, Maluku. She had two children, who had already grown into a young man and a young woman. They were both very mean and spoiled. They used to have servants when their father was still alive, but the servants left after the old man died. Now, it was their mother who took care of them and did all the house hold chores, from cooking the food to washing  their clothes. The two children treated their mother like a slave.
One day the two lazy young people woke up late. There was no  food served on the table, which was very unusual. Instead, the food was still washing their laundry and the dishes at the river near their house. True enough, they soon saw her scrubbing their dirty clothes on the river stones. They went to her, and, while one of them held back her arms, the other started to beat her up viciously. The mother cried piteously and begged for mercy, but the two wicked children didn’t pay attention to her cries. They hit her again and again. The poor woman kept crying and struggling to free herself but it was in vain.
Suddenly she stopped crying and her body went limp. The children heard her say in a low voice, “Your father left a lot of riches, but it won’t last forever. Even though it was only I who brought you into this world from now on you are no longer my children. You are the incarnation of the devil himself. I won’t go back to our home. Do whatever you want, I don’t care.”
After she said this, she dragged herself to a big boulder on the riverbank and said, “Dear big stone, please open yourself. Let me come inside you. Let me become a white sweet smelling jasmine to prove and lay herself down. Slowly the stone closed over her.
After a few days a small beautiful plant started to grow from under the big stone. It grew and grew. It had plenty of leaves and its flowers were white and sweet smelling. The people from the surrounding villages called the big stone ‘Batu Badaun’.
And what became the wicked children? After the people found out what they had done, the angry villagers threw them out the village. The riches were taken away and given to the poor and needy. The wicked children were never heard again.
Source : Contact Volume 6 No. 32

Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih

Once there lived in a village called Dadapan a widow whose name was Mak Dadapan. She had two daughters, Bawang Putih, who was her stepdaughter and Bawang Merah, a daughter of her own. Mak Dadapan did not treat both girls in the same  way. To her  own daughter she was very tolerant. Bawang Merah could do and get everything she wanted and did not like helping her mother in the household. To Bawang Putih, her stepmother was very severe. The girl had to do everything in the household.

    One day Bawang Putih had to wash clothes at the river. She was very tired and did not notice  that a piece of clothing was dragged by stream. The stepmother was very angry and hit Bawang Putih with a piece of stick. Then, she let her look for the piece of clothing at the river.

    Bawang Putih retuned to the river and followed the stream. She met a man who was bathing his horse on the riverside.
    “Excuse me, sir. Have you seen a piece of clothing dragged by the stream?”
    “No, I haven’t. Just ask the man who is fishing down stream.”

Then Bawang Putih walked away. She met a man who was fishing on the riverside.
    “Excuse me, sir. Did you see a piece of clothing?”
    “No, I didn’t. Go further down the stream.”
    At last after having walked for some time, she saw an old woman washing
    “Excuse me, ma’am. Have you seen a piece of clothing?”
    “Yes, my dear. Come with me. I’ll give it to you.”
    Who was in fact the old woman? She was a demon, called Nini Buto Ijo. On arriving at Nini Buto Ijo’s house, Bawang Putih was frightened, because she was in demon’s house. Any utensil was different from which she used at home.
 The ladle was made of human’s hands; the mug of human skull; wood for cooking was human bones.
After cooking and cleaning the house,”Ma’am, everything is ready. May I get my piece of clothing and go home?”

    “Well, it is already dark. You will meet my my brother on your way and he will eat you up. Thus, stay here tonight and return home tomorrow.”
The next morning, Nini Buto Ijo gave her the piece of clothing and a melon. Bawang Putih walked home as quickly as she could. On arriving at home, the stepmother took the piece of clothing and the melon from Bawang putih’s hands. Quickly she opened the melon. Wow! Gold, silver and precious stones!

Bawang Merah wanted to get the same melon as Bawang Putih’s. She looked for Nini Buto Ijo’s house. She found and met Nini Buto Ijo but she refused to help her to clean her house. After a while she asked permission to get back to home. Nini ButoIjo gave her a melon, too. She went home in a hurry and opened the melon as soon as she got home. Instead of gold, silver, and precious stones, that melon was filled with insects and crawling animals; snakes, scorpions, and other creepy animals. Bawang Merah and Mak Dadapan, who were greedy, ran away in a great fear.

            Source : Progress Grade X
In group of 6-8 write your drama script and act it out.

TASK 1                                                                                                                                
In pairs rearrange the following paragraphs into a good narrative text.
1.    The Sun loved the Moon very much so he chased her. He chased and chased through the years and centuries but has never caught the Moon.
2.    One day, the Sun shone brightly so that it almost burned the Moon. The sunlight hurt the Moon’s eyes very much. This made the Moon blind.
3.    Long, long ago, the Sun and the Moon lived happily together in the sky. They always appeared together during the day and night.
4.    That’s why the Sun shines during the day and at night the Moon appears. They will never unite again.
5.    The Moon left the Sun although the Sun had apologized to the Moon. 
In pairs put the correct punctuation and capitalization for the following story.
Then,identify part of the story based on its text structure suggested in the box


Study the expressions of relief, pain, and pleasure below.

Complete the following dialog. Use the expression of relief.

1.    Dialog 1
Situation : You have finished your lunch at a restaurant near your school. Suddenly you discover you have to pay for it. You ask the cashier if she will accept a cheque.
You        : Sorry, but is a cheque available here?
Cashier    : Yes, certainly.
    You        : ________________________________________________________.

2.    Dialog 2
Situation : The Sun and The Moon invited the Ocean to their cottage. The Ocean asked them whether he could come with his friends because it was impossible to leave his friends.
The Ocean    : May I go with all of my friends?
The Sun    : ________________________________________________________.
The Moon    : ________________________________________________________.
The Ocean    : ________________________________________________________.

3.    Dialog 3
Situation    : You borrowed your friend’s new digital camera. It suddenly stopped working. You have to take it back to him.
You        : I’m terribly sorry, I’ve broken it.
Your friend    : It’s okay. The main buttons come out, that’s all.
You        : ___________________________________________________.
Create a dialog based on this situation and practice with your partner.

1.    You want to go to the doctor because you have a severe headache.
2.    The doctor greets you and asks your problem.
3.    You explain your condition to him involving the expressions of pain.
4.    Your condition is like this: You got a fever last night. Your temperature was 38 degree Celsius. You’ve got a severe headache now. The headache won’t go away and the pain is getting worse and worse. Your throat is painful when you swallow something.
5.    The doctor asks you to lie down to examine your condition.
6.    The doctor diagnoses that your throat is swollen and very red. You’ve got a bad throat infection.
7.    The doctor gives you an injection. You react to the injection by expressing pain and feeling relief.
8.    The doctor gives you a prescription for some capsules. Take the capsules three times a day after  a meal.
9.    Say thanks and leave taking.

Subject        : English
Grade/Semester    : 11th/1
Time            : 40 minutes

A.    Match the situations in column A with the suitable expressions in
column B.

1.  You have sprained one of your ankles
    a.  I’m delighted to hear it
2.  A friend of yours was saved from a
     Terrible accident.    b.  Ouch! That hurts!
3.  You’ve been looking for an important
     paper and now you’ve found it.    c.  This is great, isn’t it?
4.  While swimming, suddenly your left leg
     was getting cramped.    d.  What a relief. It’s coming
      at last.
5.  You’ve been waiting for a bus to come for
     almost an hour. At last, the bus has arrived.    e.  Ouch, it’s very painful.
6.  You pass your examination with flying colors.
    f.  Thank God. He was saved
7.  A doctor is giving you an injection.    g.  Thank Heaven. I need it
     very much.
8. Your friend is telling you that he has been
    accepted at a university.    h.  I can’t stand it. The pain
     is getting worse and worse.

B. Read the text and choose the correct answer.

Donald’s New Hat

One day, Daisy decided to buy Donald a new hat. “Your hat is out of fashion!” she said, “Come on, I’ll buy a new one.”
Donald knew that Daisy was right, so he agreed to go to a hat shop. As she went in, Daisy took off his old hat, “Hey, what’s going on?” asked Donald.
“I’m taking off your old had because it’s so ugly. We don’t want the assistant to see you wearing it, do we?” said Daisy. Donald just said, “Err…no… I mean, you’re right, we don’t.”
In fact, Donald was very fond of his old hat, although he didn’t mind getting a new one if Daisy paid for it. The trouble was this: there wasn’t any hat in the stop that Donald liked. He tried many hats, but he felt that all the hats looked silly on him.
The shop assistant was getting tired of serving Donald, but he took another hat and showed it to him. “What about this one , sir? I’m sure you will like it.”
“I quite agree! Said Donald happily. Do you know why? Because the hat looked the same as his old one! Poor Daisy, she wasn’t very happy, but she ha to pay for the hat. She promised she would buy a new hat for Donald, didn’t she?

1.    What is the main idea of the passage?
a.    Daisy liked Donald’s old hat       
b.    Daisy liked Donald’s new hat       
c.    Daisy wanted to change his old hat
d.    Daisy wanted to buy Donald a new hat
e.    Donald asked Daisy to buy hat

2.    What was the reason for Donald to go to the hat shop?
    a.    He was ugly            d.  Daisy would pay for the new hat
b.    He needed a new hat        e.  He looked silly wearing his old hat
c.    His hat was out of fashion

3.    Why was Daisy not happy? Because…
a.    Donald didn’t want a new hat
b.    She had to pay for a had she didn’t like
c.    The shop assistant showed Donald an old hat
d.    Donald didn’t want Daisy to pay for the hat
e.    The shop assistant showed her an out of fashion hat

4.    Which is TRUE about Donald according to the text?
a.    Donald liked being silly with his new hat
b.    Donald didn’t like his old fashioned hat
c.    Donald asked Daisy to buy him a new hat
d.    Donald was very angry with the shop assistant
e.    Donald choose a hat that looked exactly the same as the old one



Mata Pelajaran    : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester    : XI/2
Pertemuan Ke        : 1-8
Jenis Teks        : Hortatory Exposition
Program        : IPA/IPS
Waktu            : 16 x 45 Menit

I.    Standar Kompetensi

Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan/atau monolog, terutama dalam wacana berbentuk narrative dengan penekanan pada makna interpersonal yang kompleks dan makna tekstual yang variatif.

II. Kompetensi Dasar
1.    Membaca
Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah-langkah retorika didalam teks tertulis berbentuk hortatory exposition yang menggunakan noun phrases/structures of modification.

2.    Menyimak
Memahami wacana yang menekankan pertukaran makna interpersonal yang kompleks dalam interaksi monolog lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk hortatory exposition.   

3.    Berbicara
Mengungkapkan makna dengan penekanan pada makna interpersonal yang kompleks dalam wacana interaksional dan/ataua monolg lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk hortatory exposition.    
4.    Menulis
Mengungkapakan makna dan langkah-langkah penegembangan retorika yang benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk hortatory exposition yang menggunakan noun phrases dengan variasi structures of modification.   

III. Indikator
1.    Menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersurat dari teks hortatory exposition
2.    Menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersirat dari teks hortatory exposition
3.    Menulis teks hortatory exposition
4.    Menulis kartu pos
4.    Melnyampaikan pendapat tentang isi teks hortatory exposition
5.    Menggunakan ungkapkan adjective clause

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1.    Dengan diskusi kelompok siswa dapat menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersurat dari teks hortatory exposition.   
2.    Dengan diskusi kelompok siswa dapat menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersirat dari teks hortatory exposition.   
3.    Dengan brainstorming siswa dapat menulis satu teks hortatory exposition.
4.    Dengan tanya jawab (drill) siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan adjective clause
5.    Dengan  diskusi kelompok siswa dapat menyampaikan pendapat tentang isi teks hortatory exposition.

V.    Materi Ajar

1.    Teks hortatory exposition
2.     Adjective clause

VI. Metode

1.    Diskusi kelompok
2.    Brainstorming
3.    Tanya jawab
4.    Diskusi kelompok    

VII. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
1. Pertemuan 1
        a.    Kegiatan Awal
            1.    Mengabsen siswa
            2.    Memotivasi siswa
        b.    Kegiatan Inti
            1.    Guru membagi kelas dalam kelompok-kelompok @ 4 orang
            2.    Siswa membaca teks dalam kelompok.
            3.    Siswa secara berkelompok @ 4 orang berlatih menjawab pertanyaan pada teks hortatory exposition.
        c.    Kegiatan Akhir
            Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran.

2.    Pertemuan 2,3
    a.    Kegiatan awal
        1.    Mengabsen siswa
        2.    Memotivasi siswa
    b.    Kegiatan Inti
        1.    Guru membagi kelas dalam kelompok-kelompok @ 4 orang
        2.    Siswa melakukan brainstorming untuk membuat kerangka tulisan
        3.    Siswa menulis teks hortatory exposition dalam kelompok
        4.    Siswa secara individual menulis teks hortatory exposition
    c.    Kegiatan Akhir
        Guru memberi tugas pada siswa untuk menulis pada kartu pos.

3.    Pertemuan 4,5,6
    a.    Kegiatan awal
        1.    Mengabsen siswa
        2.    Memotivasi siswa
    b.    Kegiatan Inti
        1.    Dalam kelompok  @ 4 orang,  siswa menyampaikan pendapat tentang isi teks hortatory exposition.
        c.    Kegiatan Akhir
        Siswa diberi tugas menemukan 1 teks hortatory exposition
4.    Pertemuan 7,8
    a.    Kegiatan awal
        1.    Mengabsen siswa
        2.    Memotivasi siswa
    b.    Kegiatan inti
        1.    Siswa berlatih menggunakan adjective clause
        2.    Siswa berlatih menulis pendapatnya ke surat kabar.
    c.    Kegiatan Akhir

VIII. Sumber Belajar dan Media Pembelajaran
    Buku teks

IX. Penilaian
    Proses selama KBM (terlampir)
    Tes Hasil Belajar (terlampir)

Mengetahui                    Baturaja, Juli 2010
Kepala Sekolah                Guru Mata Pelajaran

            Muhammad Yaman, S.Pd                Jonizar, S.Pd
    NIP. 196510051989031011                NIP. 197107221994121001


Read the following passage carefully.

Answer the following questions to understand the passage.

1.    How does the writer get the information about what men think about women?
2.    What criteria do men consider in choosing women to be their wives?
3.    According to the writer, what do women from men?
4.    What does the writer mean by ‘intelligent’?
5.    What does the word “their” in paragraph 7 refer to?
6.    What does the word “they” in paragraph 8 refer to?

Read again the text above and tell your ideas to answer the following questions.
1.    Do you think the writer is a man or a woman? How do you know?
2.     Do you think the writer respects women or not? Explain.
3.     Do you agree with the writer’s opinion? Why or why not?

In pairs, study the following postcard. Try to analyze its feature.

Dear April,

The heat here is very crazy. Waiting for the bus at the airport was like sitting in a sauna. I was dripping with sweat in minutes and looked like I’d been caught in the rain!

All the different colours, smells and noises of his busy city rush at your senses like a charging bull. There is so much to take in that I was pleased to head for the quiet, calm atmosphere of the beach. The view from my window is gorgeous with white sand and blue sparkling sea. The coconut trees are scattered around lake lazy tourists and there are wooden boats on the shore covered with fishing nets drying in the sun. You would love it.



Jl. Pahlawan No. 10
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta

Pretend that you are April. Make a reply to June’s postcard, describing a beautiful spot that you have just visited.

Study a letter to an editor below.

Write a letter to an editor telling about your comment on the condition  where you live.


Study the Adjective Clauses below.
               Using Who, Which, That            Using Who(m), Which, That
         Using Who(m), That, Which                              Using Whose

Taken from Understanding and Using English Grammar, Prentice Hall Regents

Combine the sentences, using the second sentence as an adjective clause.
1.    I saw the man. He closed the door.
2.    The girl is happy. She won the race.
3.    The student is from China. He sits next to me.
4.    The students are from China. They sit in the front row.
5.    We are studying sentences. They contain adjective clauses.
6.    The book was good. I read it.
7.    I liked the woman. I met her at the party last night.
8.    I liked the composition. You wrote it.
9.    The people were nice. We visited them yesterday.
10.    The meeting was interesting. I went to it.
11.    The man was very kind. I talked to him yesterday.
12.    I must thank the people. I got a present from them.
13.    The picture was beautiful. She was looking at it.
14.    I apologized to the woman. I spilled her coffee.
15.    The man called the police. His wallet was stolen.

Subject        : English
Grade/Semester    : 11th/2
Time            : 40 minutes

A.    Read the text and choose the correct answer.(Score 30)

1.    The unhealthy habit meant in the text is ….
    a.    the acute malnutrition suffered by 566 children
    b.    consuming cheap additives snacks
    c.    letting children get what they want
    d.    consuming dry noodle once a week
    e.    buying cheap snacks

2.    The mother fulfill the little boy’s demand because ….
    a.    she has a lot of money to buy
    b.    the snacks are delicious
    c.    the snack is easy to get   
d.    she knows the unhealthy snacks
    e.    she doesn’t know want the unhealthy snacks

3.    In what paragraph we can know about the main factor causing malnutrition?
    a.    seven
    b.    six
    c.    five
    d.    four
    e.    three

4.    The conclusion is that educating the children and parents that every mouthful of food should have nutritious value is a must.
    The underlined word means ….
a.    prohibition
b.    permission
c.    obligation
d.    regulation
e.    motivation

5.    What is the best title of the text above?
    a.    A little boy crying for a pack of snack
    b.    Factors caused acute malnutrition
c.    Unhealthy habit leads to malnutrition
d.    Cheap snacks are more interesting for children
e.    The research result about kids suffering from acute malnutrition
B.    Combine the sentences, using the second sentence as an adjective clause.(Score 30)

1.    The scientist is well-known for her research. We met her yesterday.
2.    She lectured on a topic. I know very little about it.
3.    I am reading a book. It was written by Jane Austen.    The man poured a glass of water on his face. His beard caught on fire.



Mata Pelajaran    : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester    : XI/2
Pertemuan Ke        : 9 - 22
Jenis Teks        : Recount, Notice
Program        : IPA/IPS
Waktu            : 14 x 45 Menit

I.    Standar Kompetensi

Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan/atau monolog, terutama dalam wacana berbentuk narrative dengan penekanan pada makna interpersonal yang kompleks dan makna tekstual yang variatif.

II. Kompetensi Dasar
1.    Membaca
Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah-langkah retorika didalam teks tertulis berbentuk recount, notice yang menggunakan noun phrases/structures of modification.

2.    Menyimak
Memahami wacana yang menekankan pertukaran makna interpersonal yang kompleks dalam interaksi monolog lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk recount, notice.   

3.    Berbicara
Mengungkapkan makna dengan penekanan pada makna interpersonal yang kompleks dalam wacana interaksional dan/ataua monolg lisan terutama dalam wacana berbentuk recount, notice.    
4.    Menulis
Mengungkapakan makna dan langkah-langkah penegembangan retorika yang benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk recount, notice yang menggunakan noun phrases dengan variasi structures of modification.   

III. Indikator
1.    Menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersurat dari teks recount, notice, anecdote
2.    Menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersirat dari teks recount, notice, anecdote
3.    Menulis teks recount, notice, anecdote
4.    Menyampaikan pendapat tentang isi teks recount, notice, anecdote
5.    Menggunakan ungkapkan anger, annoyance.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1.    Dengan diskusi kelompok siswa dapat menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersurat dari teks recount, notice, anecdote.   
2.    Dengan diskusi kelompok siswa dapat menemukan informasi tertentu yang tersirat dari teks recount, notice, anecdote.   
3.    Dengan brainstorming siswa dapat menulis satu teks recount, notice, anecdote.
4.    Dengan tanya jawab (drill) siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan anger, annoyance
5.    Dengan  diskusi kelompok siswa dapat menyampaikan pendapat tentang isi teks recount, notice, anecdote

V.    Materi Ajar

1.    Teks recount, notice, anecdote
2.     Anger, annoyance

VI. Metode

1.    Diskusi kelompok
2.    Brainstorming
3.    Tanya jawab
4.    Diskusi kelompok    

VII. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
1. Pertemuan 1,2
        a.    Kegiatan Awal
            1.    Mengabsen siswa
            2.    Memotivasi siswa
        b.    Kegiatan Inti
            1.    Guru membagi kelas dalam kelompok-kelompok @ 4 orang
            2.    Siswa membaca teks dalam kelompok.
            3.    Siswa secara berkelompok @ 4 orang berlatih menjawab pertanyaan pada teks recount, notice, anecdote.
        c.    Kegiatan Akhir
            Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran.

2.    Pertemuan 3, 4, 5
    a.    Kegiatan awal
        1.    Mengabsen siswa
        2.    Memotivasi siswa
    b.    Kegiatan Inti
        1.    Guru membagi kelas dalam kelompok-kelompok @ 4 orang
        2.    Siswa melakukan brainstorming untuk membuat kerangka tulisan
        3.    Siswa menulis teks recount, notice, anecdote  dalam kelompok
        4.    Siswa secara individual menulis teks recount, notice, anecdote
    c.    Kegiatan Akhir
        Guru memberi tugas

3.    Pertemuan 6, 7, 8
    a.    Kegiatan awal
        1.    Mengabsen siswa
        2.    Memotivasi siswa
    b.    Kegiatan Inti
        1.    Dalam kelompok  @ 4 orang,  siswa menyampaikan pendapat tentang isi teks recount, notice, anecdote
        c.    Kegiatan Akhir
        Siswa diberi tugas menemukan 1 teks recount, notice, anecdote
4.    Pertemuan 9, 10
    a.    Kegiatan awal
        1.    Mengabsen siswa
        2.    Memotivasi siswa
    b.    Kegiatan inti
        1.    Siswa berlatih menggunakan anger, annoyance
        2.    Siswa berlatih menulis dialog berisikan ungkapan anger, annoyance.
    c.    Kegiatan Akhir

VIII. Sumber Belajar dan Media Pembelajaran
    Buku teks

IX. Penilaian
    Proses selama KBM (terlampir)
    Tes Hasil Belajar (terlampir)

Mengetahui                    Baturaja, Juli 2010
Kepala Sekolah                Guru Mata Pelajaran

            Muhammad Yaman, S.Pd                Jonizar, S.Pd
    NIP. 196510051989031011                NIP. 197107221994121001


Before reading , answer the following questions.

1.    Have ever lost something? What was it?
2.    Did you find it or did someone else?
3.    Is there a funny story about it?

Read the following text carefully. Pay attention to the generic structure and language features.






Now, answer  the following questions based on the text above.
1.    What is the most suitable title for the text?
2.    How does the writer show his reaction in the abstract?
3.    What tenses does he use for telling the story?
4.    Do you think this is story is funny? Why?

In group of four, study the text below and discuss your opinion.


Study the warnings below and write down where you could see them.

Study and say the warnings, notices below.

Match these warnings with the situations given.

Warnings    Situation
1.  Watch your step, please.    a.  Your sister has just learned how to
2.  Keep swimming near the seashore.    b.  Your friend is cheating during the 
3.  Beware of the pickpockets.    c.  Someone is standing in the middle of
     the street.
4.  Stop or the teacher will catch you.
    d.  In a crowded supermarket.
5.  Look out! A car is behind you.    e.  Your grandma is standing on an

Study the following dialogue.

Mr. Sudibyo has just come back home from a store. When he opens the door, he finds that his son made the house messy.

Mr. Sudibyo        : Dear me, what a mess!
Doni            : Hi, dad. I didn’t hear you come. What did you bring me   
                                      from the store?
Mr. Sudibyo        : That can’t be, son. You have made this mess and now you
                                      ask for something? No way!
Doni            : But you promised to bring ice cream, dad. Did you forget
Mr. Sudibyo        : Of course I didn’t. But I won’t give it to you until you tidy
                                      up this room, or your mother will get angry with you.
Doni            : Daddy, you know I hate house cleaning.
Mr. Sudibyo        : No objections.

Answer the questions based on the dialog above.

1.    Where has Mr. Sudibyo been?
2.    What does Mr. Sudibyo feel upon seeing his messy room?
3.    What does he command Doni to do?
4.    Does Doni accept the command?
5.    What are the expressions of annoyance in the dialog?

Say the annoyance expressions below.
1.    That can’t be!
2.    No way!
3.    That can’t be true!
4.    Oh, God, no!
5.    Dear me, what a mess!
6.    Oh my goodness!

Subject        : English
Grade/Semester    : 11th/2
Time            : 45 minutes

A.    Read the text and choose the correct answer.

1.    The genre of the text above is ….
    a.   narrative                d.   report
    b.   anecdote                e.   exposition
    c.   description

2.    The characters in the text above are ….
    a.   a man and a girl            d.   a man and a bus driver
    b.   a man and a librarian        e.   a girl and a bus driver
    c.    a man and a librarian

3.    The story takes place in ….
    a.   a bus                d.   Greece
    b.   a phone box            e.   a history class
    c.   a library

B.    Supply the warnings for the following situations.
1.    The bus driver is driving the bus in a high speed. All the passengers are frightened.

2.    You bicycle’s brake suddenly does not work. You are riding on it and there are several people in front of you.

3.    You have just mopped the floors. Your mother is walking on the wet floors.
4.    Your maid is cleaning an expensive Chinese porcelain ceramic.

5.    Your sister is a sensitive girl. Someone is going to talk about a serious matter to her.

C.    Create a conversation expressing annoyance based on one of the following situation.

    You find a quiet corner in the library. Suddenly, a group of students comes and makes noise.